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Lisatud: 2024-04-09 11:05
Proovi tüüp: plant roots


Kontinent: Europe
Riik: Estonia
Asukoht: Lõo
Ala: LOy
Ala kommentaar: Lõo alvar on Saaremaa island, east from the coastal road, near lighthouse. Open dry flat alvar grassland community on calcareous parent material, slightly grazed (cattle, sheep). Single juniper bushes and pines cover less than 10%. Festucetum type vegetation (sometimes with elements of Seslerietum) with very thin soil layer, limestone rubble partly on the ground. Dominant Festuca ovina, Co-dominants Filipendula vulgaris, Thymus serpyllum, Galium verum. Abundant Sesleria careulea, Anthyllis vulneraria, Carex flacca, Helictotrichon pratense, Potentilla tabernomontanii, Veronica spicata, Artemisia rupestris, Agrostis stolonifera. Slight cattle and sheep grazing, otherwise no disturbances. Prunella vulgaris was sampled as an additional species, in order to compare the same plant species in different sites.
Laiuskraad: 58° 06' 27'' N
Pikkuskraad: 22° 11' 30'' E
Koordinaadid: 58.1075 22.19167
Kõrgus merepinnast: 6 m
Ökosüsteem: grassland
Bioom: temperate seminatural grassland
Elukoht: alvar