Üldine informatsioon |
Lisatud: | 2013-02-19 17:16 |
Proovi tüüp: | plant roots |
Asukoht |
Kontinent: | South America |
Riik: | Argentina |
Asukoht: | Moquehue 2 |
Ala: | AAw |
Ala kommentaar: | Plot is located ca 1 km to the south from Moquehue village and west from the road; ca 200m from plot AAy. Araucaria araucana forest planted with Pinus. Old Araucaria specimens 20-25 m; about 10 %. Pines 10-15 m high; 60% of cover. Nothofagus antarctica in subcanopy. In places Festuca dominated; there are some patches without herb layer, only dense pine litter. Some horse grazing. Plot is paired with plot AAy. |
Laiuskraad: | 38° 59' 22'' S |
Pikkuskraad: | 71° 22' 40'' W |
Koordinaadid: | -38.98944 -71.37778 |
Kõrgus merepinnast: | 1376 m |
Ökosüsteem: | forest |
Bioom: | temperate coniferous forest |
Elukoht: | araucaria araucana forest invaded |