Üldine informatsioon

Lisatud: 2019-01-03 16:34
Proovi tüüp: soil


Kontinent: Oceania
Riik: Australia
Asukoht: Gilderton (Banksia Woodland)
Ala: BWy
Ala kommentaar: Western Australia, Swan Coastal Plain, N of Perth, Gnangara-Moore River State Forest, Gilderton, S of Woodridge (settlement) Zonobiome IV: Sclerophyllous Woodlands & Scrub Subzonobiome (accord. to Mucina, unpubl.): Mediterranean Sclerophyllous Woodlands & Scrub Regional Azonal Biome(accord. to Mucina, unpubl.): Western Australian Kwongan Community: Verticordia nitens-Banksia menziesii Woodland Part of very extensive banksia woodland patch. Banksia woodlands are peinobiome communities on deep, nutrientdeprived sandy soils (so called Bassendean Sands) 2-5 My old. These soils (actually regolith) has been accumulating here for millions of years and have experienced gradual leaching, with hardly any notable soil rejuvenation. The woodlands are actually kwongan scrub (undergrowth), overtopped by scattered Banksia and Eucalyptus trees. Grass trees (Xanthorrhoea preissii) can also become taller than 2 m. The tree Banksia species (B. attenuata and B. menziesii) are phreatophytes and their occurrence int his kwongan type is a result of their ability to reach ground water supplies as well as generally reasonable precipitation (around 700 mm MAP). The site on even ground and the surrounding landscape is very smoothly undulating. The site is not under strict protection (conservation status), however, having the status of ‘state forest’ it is under management of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (Western Australian Government). The vegetation is a typical low, sparse woodland with dense scrub undergrowth. Only one large tree of Eucalyptus todtiana reaches the tree layer (8 m tall). The banksia trees concentrate in E2B and are also represented (as samplings and seedlings) in E2a and E1 layers. The herb layer is very sparse and contains number of orchids (most of them still visible as basal rosettes only), numerous rosette-forming (mainly not flowering yet) aliern Hypochaeris glabra (Mediterranean herb), and very numerous, also alien Heliophila pusilla and Ursinia anthemoides s.str. (both annual herbs of South African origin). Total cover: 60 % E3a Eucalyptus todtiana 10% (8 m tall) E2b: Banksia attenuata 10% (5 m) Banksia menziesii 10% (5 m) Eucalyptus todtiana 5% (4 m) Daviesia divaricata subsp. divaricata 2% (3 m) Xanthorrhoea preissii 5% (3 m) Hakea prostrata 1% (2.5 m) E2a: Hibbertia hypericoides 20% Xanthorrhoea preissii 10% (grass tree) Banksia menziesii juv. 5% Banksia attenuata juv. 2% Petrophile sp1. 6% Stirlingia latifolia 5% Pimelea sulphurea 1% Melaleuca sp. 2% Isotropis cuneifolia subsp. cuneifolia 1% Hakea prostrata 5% Jacksonia sp.1 2% (pea) Hakea costata 1% Hibbertia huegelii 5% Daviesia divaricata subsp. divaricata 2% Verticordia nitens 1% Hybanthus calycinus 1% Conostylis setigera 1% Macrozamia fraseri 2% Calectasia narragara 1% Banksia dellanneyi subsp. pollosta 2% (det. K.R. Thiele) Gastrolobium capitatum 1% E1: Hypochaeris glabra 1% Calanthe flava 1% Loxocarya sp. 1% Mesomelaena pseudostygia 2% Drosera pallida 1% Drosera menziesii 1% Mesomelaena tetragona 2% Laxmannia squarrosa 1% (det. P. Macintyre) Ursinia anthemoides s.str. 1% Heliophila pusilla 1% Kennedia prostrata 1% Anigozanthos humilis 1% Drosera erythrorhiza 5% No anthropogenic disturbance; occasional crossing by kangaroos (spoor suggesting that it is the Western Grey Kangaroo). No obvious traces of grazing or browsing. The site is close to a dirt (sandy) road, but only the edge of the road is disturbed. The site has not burnt for a long time as witnessed by numerous decaying logs of Banksia. Leaf litter is dense, yet not very deep (depth of 1 or 2 layers of sclerophyllous leaves). The sampling was done within the distance of at least 10 m of the forest edge (in any direction), using the prescribed 30 x 30 m design. Moving through the vegetation was easy.
Laiuskraad: 31° 21' 20'' S
Pikkuskraad: 115° 36' 32'' E
Koordinaadid: -31.35556 115.60889
Kõrgus merepinnast: 56 m
Ökosüsteem: forest
Bioom: mediterranean forest, woodland and scrub
Elukoht: woodland