Üldine informatsioon

Lisatud: 2019-01-03 16:34
Proovi tüüp: soil


Kontinent: Oceania
Riik: Australia
Asukoht: Menzies (Mulga)
Ala: MNy
Ala kommentaar: Western Australia, Menzies, 6.5 km NE of town’s center on Highway. Zonobiome III (acc. to Walter): Subtropical Semideserts and Deserts Subzonobiome (acc. to Mucina unpubl.): Subtropical Inland Hot Semi- Deserts Regional Biome (acc. to Mucina unpubl.): Mulga Scrub Plant Community: Acacia caesioaneura Community Typical mulga (Acacia-dominated subtropical shrubland) scrub, having two shrub layers: dense and species-richer E2a and usually monodominant, yet sparse E2b; ground layer contains saplings (and seedlings) of various mulga species and occasional C4 grass tufts. The landscape is an old inland plateau receiving low rainfall per year falling mainly in summer and originating from tropical troughs penetrating deep inland and sometimes bringing rare deluge). Soils are deep red leptosols, sandy, with admixture of loam. Fire is a rare appearance. The total (combined) vegetation cover is 40%; litter is sparse (10% of cover; not deeper than 1 cm) and composed of shed leaves of mulga and concentrating around the shrubs. Some dead trunks and branches are also found to decay on the surface (covering 1-2% of surface). Ants are very common, but the ant nests are small. The sampled area does not enjoy formal protection and is also obviously not used for any agricultural activity (no sheep or cow droppings). E2b: Acacia caesioaneura 20% (4 m tall) Callitris columellaris 5% (4 m tall) E2a: Acacia caesioaneura 30% Acacia aneura agg. sp.1 10% Acacia aneura agg. sp.2 10% Senna sp. 5% Callitris columellaris jv. 1% Scaevola spinescens 1% Enchylaena sp. 1% E1: Grass 20% Acacia anerusa agg. sp.1 1%. The sampled plot is found close to an old, disused prospecting strip (gold digging), but itself it has not been impacted. The sampling was done using the prescribed 30 m x 30 m design.
Laiuskraad: 29° 39' 08'' S
Pikkuskraad: 121° 04' 24'' E
Koordinaadid: -29.65222 121.07333
Kõrgus merepinnast: 427 m
Ökosüsteem: shrubland
Bioom: subtropical shrubland
Elukoht: mulga shrubland