Üldine informatsioon

Lisatud: 2019-01-03 16:34
Proovi tüüp: soil


Kontinent: South America
Riik: Brazil
Asukoht: Itatiaia National Park
Ala: ITy
Ala kommentaar: pristine area with no history of domestic animal grazing or agriculture, among the highest spots in Brazil, montane grassland, montane grassland/shrubland wet, dry, cover 90%/80% (boulders), shrubs (< 1.5m)+tufts of cyperaceae ja poaceae, aspect ca 10%/ top (0-5%), 21-29 grass- dominated, soaked wet; 31-29 shrub-dominated, dry, species poor, G5105 F1-F8, none, historically none, 3 technical replicates pooled
Laiuskraad: 22° 23' 01'' S
Pikkuskraad: 44° 40' 56'' W
Koordinaadid: -22.38361 -44.68222
Kõrgus merepinnast: 2415 m
Ökosüsteem: shrubland
Bioom: montane shrubland
Elukoht: shrubland