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Lisatud: 2019-04-30 15:27
Proovi tüüp: soil


Kontinent: North America
Riik: USA
Asukoht: Boyd 2
Ala: BDCy
Ala kommentaar: A small cliff follows the 3/6/9 marker line. The land is lightly more varied than Plot 1. There are small wash-like ridges interspersed in the plot region. The soil crust is rockier than Plot 1 with additional small rocky outcroppings. Vegetation is similar to Plot 1 with some small adjustments (see major spp. notes). Soils appear to be slightly more moist than Plot 1. Major Species Noted in Plot: Same vegetation noted in the plot as described in Plot 1 with the following adjustments: Slightly less Creosote Bush. More Coastal Prickly, Pear Cacti Less California Barrel Cacti Slightly Less Teddy Bear Cholla More small herbaceous plants and wildflowers than Plot 1
Laiuskraad: 33° 39' 17'' N
Pikkuskraad: 116° 22' 30'' W
Koordinaadid: 33.65472 -116.375
Kõrgus merepinnast: 259 m
Ökosüsteem: shrubland
Bioom: deserts and xeric shrublands
Elukoht: deserts and xeric shrublands