Üldine informatsioon

Lisatud: 2023-02-03 11:24
Proovi tüüp: soil


Kontinent: Europe
Riik: Estonia
Asukoht: Anseküla
Ala: SÖRK16
Ala kommentaar: It has been an arable field (rye, barley etc.) for centuries. The area was abandoned in the 1960-s when Medicago X and probably some other hay species were sown there. After that time, no agricultural resowing was done, and all other species entered the c
Laiuskraad: 58° 05' 17'' N
Pikkuskraad: 22° 14' 40'' E
Koordinaadid: 58.08806 22.24444
Kõrgus merepinnast: 14 m
Ökosüsteem: grassland
Bioom: drought-sensitive calcareous
Elukoht: old field