Üldine informatsioon

Lisatud: 2012-01-23 19:35
Proovi tüüp: soil


Kontinent: Europe
Riik: Spain
Asukoht: Asturias, Picos de Europa
Ala: AHz
Ala kommentaar: The samples were taken from a seminatural pasture on a flat rivervalley. At that time of the year the pasture had not been grazed yet. On the riverside there are many Quercus and other broad-leaved trees. The grassland is dominated by different forbs, mainly from the Fabaceae family but also by some Melampyrum, Rumex and Ranunculus species. The height of the plants reach from 15 to 45 cm-s. The overall coverage is 100 % from which 25 % belong to species from the Poaceae family.
Laiuskraad: 43° 23' 00'' N
Pikkuskraad: 5° 0' 00'' W
Koordinaadid: 43.38333 -5
Kõrgus merepinnast: 500 m
Ökosüsteem: grassland
Bioom: temperate seminatural grassland
Elukoht: seminatural grassland